Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 11:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Addendums may be added on Friday.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0169 11. PresentationCorpus Christi Hooks 20th Season Brand Unveil, presented by Brady Ballard, Corpus Christi Hooks General Manager   Not available Video Video
25-0168 12. PresentationForesight Corpus Christi Golf Finance & Operations Update   Not available Video Video
25-0138 13. AppointmentCapital Improvements Advisory Committee Coastal Bend Council of Governments Crime Control & Prevention District Library Board Marina Advisory Committee Watershore & Beach Advisory Committee   Not available Video Video
25-0195 14. PresentationBriefing on EV Ranch Brackish Groundwater Desalination Project   Not available Video Video
25-0171 15. MinutesApproval of the January 28, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
24-2095 16. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a $2,500.00 grant from the Banfield Foundation for the purchase of supplies and equipment for the Corpus Christi Animal Care Services Department; and appropriating $2,500.00 into the Animal Care Services Grant Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2073 17. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a $322,260.00 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s FY 2023-2024 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program to replace existing lighting with energy efficient lighting for the Aviation Department and the Parks & Recreation Department; and appropriating $322,260.00 into the Department of Energy Grant Fund.   Not available Not available
25-0032 18. OrdinanceOrdinance appropriating $50,000.00 from the Airport Unreserved Operating Fund Balance for the Construction Contract Closeout Audit of Terminal Building Rehabilitation Phase II by Talson Solutions, LLC, and amending the operating budget.   Not available Not available
25-0074 19. OrdinanceOrdinance amending the Capital Improvement Program to add the North Padre Island Force Main Bypass Project; appropriating $970,624.05 from the unreserved fund balance in the TIRZ #2 Fund; and amending the FY 2024-25 Operating and Capital Budgets.   Not available Not available
25-0080 110. Public Hearing / First ReadingOrdinance authorizing a Wastewater Trunk Line Construction and Reimbursement Agreement up to $524,660.00 with Horizon Land Properties, LLC to construct a wastewater trunk line related to Waldron Estates located south of Graham Road & west of Waldron Road intersection; and authorizing future transfer and appropriation of Water and Wastewater Trust Fund revenue up to $524,660.00 to reimburse the developer in accordance with the agreement. (District 4).   Not available Not available
24-1791 111. MotionMotion authorizing execution of a one-year supply agreement, with two one-year option periods, with Bound Tree Medical, of Dublin, Ohio, through the BuyBoard Cooperative, for the purchase of emergency medical supplies for the Corpus Christi Fire Department in an amount up to $400,000.00, with a potential total amount up to $1,200,000.00 if both one-year option periods are exercised, with FY 2025 funding of $234,000.00 from the General Fund.   Not available Not available
25-0094 112. ResolutionResolution awarding a construction contract to A. Ortiz Construction & Paving, Inc., of Corpus Christi, Texas, in an amount up to $2,508,833.24 for the reconstruction of Martin Street from Holly Road to Dorado Street with new asphalt pavement, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, ADA-compliant curb ramps, signage, pavement markings, speed humps, a stamped concrete island, upgraded street illumination, and utility improvements, located in Council District 3 with FY 2025 funding available from the Street Bond 2022, Storm Water, Water, Wastewater, and Gas Funds.   Not available Not available
25-0106 113. MotionMotion awarding a construction contract to Barcom Construction, Inc., of Corpus Christi, TX, for the Selena Auditorium Pit Lift and Stage Improvement project in an amount up to $913,344, located in Council District 1 with FY 2025 funding available from the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Funds.   Not available Not available
24-1976 114. ResolutionResolution authorizing submission of four grant applications to the Texas Department of Emergency Management under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program-Hurricane Beryl for funds totaling $918,061.97, with a cost share of $306,020.65, to purchase hazard mitigation equipment for the Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police Department, and Corpus Christi Water.   Not available Not available
25-0060 115. ResolutionResolution authorizing the execution of a 10-year Mutual Aid Agreement for firefighting assistance with the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi and Fire Departments and Emergency Service Districts located in Nueces County including Corpus Christi Fire Department, Robstown Fire Department, Port Aransas Fire Department, Nueces County Emergency Services District #1, Nueces County Emergency Services District #2, Nueces County Emergency Services District #3, Nueces County Emergency Services District #4, and Nueces County Emergency Services District #5.   Not available Not available
25-0108 116. ResolutionResolution authorizing submission of grant application for $69,606.43 to the State of Texas Criminal Justice Division under the Violence Against Women Act Fund for the salary and benefits of one civilian position in the Corpus Christi Police Department’s Family Violence Unit, with a City cash match of $21,752.84 and $9,910.00 for in-kind services.   Not available Not available
25-0109 117. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the State of Texas under the Body-Worn Camera Grant Program in the amount of $104,300.00 for funding for the purchase of 50 additional body-worn cameras and related equipment for the Corpus Christi Police Department, with a City cash match of $34,767.00 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2071 118. ResolutionResolution authorizing submission of three grant applications to the Office of the Governor, Homeland Security Division, for the FY 2025 State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, for funds totaling $1,049,074.72, with a City cash match of $262,268.69, to purchase training and equipment for the Information Technology Department.   Not available Not available
25-0132 119. ResolutionResolution in support of the proposed 9% Low-income Housing Tax Credits for an up to 75-unit affordable housing project known as Palo Verde Senior Apartments at 5501 Huntwick Ave. to be developed by Danco Communities LLC.   Not available Not available
25-0136 120. ResolutionResolution in support of the proposed 9% Low-income Housing Tax Credits for an up to 75-unit affordable housing project known as Bayside Apartments at 5409 Lipes Boulevard to be developed by Madhouse Development Services Inc.   Not available Not available
25-0127 121. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a grant totaling $5,037.00 from Plains All American Pipeline for the 2024 Plains First Responder Grant Program for the purchase of a Haz-Dust Real-Time Dust monitor for the Corpus Christi Fire Department; and appropriating $5,037.00 in the FY 2025 Fire Grants Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2066 122. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing a Revocable Easement on City property at Lake Corpus Christi to allow for City of Mathis placement of 150 kw emergency generator including foundation slab of approximately 20’ x 20’, together with security fencing, in consideration of $10; and authorizing a temporary license for use of City property for temporary construction purposes at Lake Corpus Christi.   Not available Not available
25-0077 123. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of a five-year lease, with 10 one-year mutual renewal options, with Lutheran Social Services of the South, Inc. d/b/a Upbring Head Start for real and personal properties at 1838 Frio Street (Centro de Niños Head Start Preschool), 1311 7th Street (Miramar Head Start Preschool), 3750 South Port Street (La Armada Head Start Preschool), 1402 West Point Road (Cliff Maus Head Start Preschool), 442 Mohawk (Spirit of Hope Head Start Preschool), 5805 Williams Drive (Gulfway Park Head Start Preschool), 2801 Morris Street (Los Pequeños Head Start Preschool), and 120 Nineteenth Street (Navarro Head Start Preschool) in consideration of Upbring operating Head Start Programs for eligible citizens of Corpus Christi and maintaining the properties.   Not available Video Video
25-0085 124. Public Hearing / First ReadingOrdinance annexing and rezoning land owned by Anil C. and Vandana A. Patel for the Padma Estates subdivision, a 19.2-acre tract located along the north side of FM 2444, east of CR 43, and west of CR 41 (Gilead Rd) per owner petition; approving the related service plan; adding the annexed area to City Council District 5; and rezoning the 19.2 acres from the “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RS-22” Single-Family 22 District; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning; Staff recommends approval of all actions.)   Not available Video Video
25-0068 125. Public Hearing / First ReadingZoning Case No. ZN8398, Mandel Family Homes, LLC (District 5). Ordinance rezoning a property at or near 3501 De Zevala Street, from the “RS-6” Single-Family 6 District to the “RS-4.5/PUD” Single-Family 4.5 District with a Planned Unit Development Overlay; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission and Staff recommend ?approval).   Not available Video Video
25-0069 126. Public Hearing / First ReadingZoning Case No. ZN8501, Cross Timbers Steakhouse, Inc. (District 1). Ordinance rezoning a property at or near 3402 CR-52 (County Road) from the “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RS-4.5” Single-Family 4.5 District; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission and Staff recommend approval).   Not available Video Video
25-0193 127. OrdinanceOrdinance approving an agreement between the City of Corpus Christi and the Corpus Christi B Corporation - Type B in the amount of $2,380,000.00 for funding of arterial and collector streets within the City; approving a 380 Agreement in the amount of $2,380,000.00 with LiftFund Inc to grant a total of $2,000,000.00 to small businesses for revenue losses up to $50,000.00 due to stage 3 water restrictions; and amending the FY 2025 Operating Budget to transfer $2,380,000.00 from Street Fund to General Fund and appropriating for said 380 Agreement   Not available Video Video
24-1565 128. MotionMotion authorizing execution of an agreement with the South Texas Alliance of Indigenous People (STAIP), a Texas non-profit corporation, for the construction, donation, and acceptance of improvements and artwork commemorating the Native Americans in Corpus Christi to be placed at the Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge.   Not available Video Video
24-1126 129. OrdinancePresentation on the City’s Drought Contingency Plan and ordinance amending City Code of Ordinances Chapter 55, Article XII Water Resource Management sections 55-150, 55-152, 55-153, 55-154, 55-155; updating the City’s Drought Contingency Plan, providing an effective date of February 17,2025, and providing for penalties and publication.   Not available Video Video
25-0059 130. E-Session ItemExecutive session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to the potential value and/or acquisition of properties at, next to, and/or near 3312 Leopard Street in Corpus Christi for potential detention center expansion; and Texas Government Code § 551.072 to discuss and deliberate the purchase or value of the aforementioned areas of real property because deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person, including, but not limited to, potential consideration of authorization to enter agreement(s) for the purchase of the property or property(ies) at and/or adjacent to the aforementioned locations.   Not available Not available
24-2083 131. E-Session ItemExecutive session briefing pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to SOAH Docket No. 473-24-19854, PUC Docket No. 56427, Petition by Outside City Ratepayers Appealing the Water Rates of the City of Corpus Christi, including potential consideration of settlement offer(s) and actions related thereto   Not available Not available
25-0093 132. E-Session ItemExecutive session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to personnel matters, the FMLA, federal & state antidiscrimination laws, and other laws and regulations   Not available Not available