File #: 25-0085    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing / First Reading Status: Passed
File created: 1/16/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: Ordinance annexing and rezoning land owned by Anil C. and Vandana A. Patel for the Padma Estates subdivision, a 19.2-acre tract located along the north side of FM 2444, east of CR 43, and west of CR 41 (Gilead Rd) per owner petition; approving the related service plan; adding the annexed area to City Council District 5; and rezoning the 19.2 acres from the “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RS-22” Single-Family 22 District; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning; Staff recommends approval of all actions.)
Sponsors: Planning and Community Development Department
Attachments: 1. Agenda Memo - Padma Estates, 2. Ordinance w Exh - Padma Estates, 3. Letter of Petition - Padma Estates, 4. Zoning Report ZN8299 Patel, 5. Presentation - Padma Estates


Ordinance annexing and rezoning land owned by Anil C. and Vandana A. Patel for the Padma Estates subdivision, a 19.2-acre tract located along the north side of FM 2444, east of CR 43, and west of CR 41 (Gilead Rd) per owner petition; approving the related service plan; adding the annexed area to City Council District 5; and rezoning the 19.2 acres from the “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RS-22” Single-Family 22 District; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning; Staff recommends approval of all actions.)