Second Reading Ordinance - Rezoning for a Property located at 1645 Clare Drive (1st Reading 2/13/18)
Case No. 1217-01 Rey Ramos: A change of zoning from “RS-6” Single-Family 6 District to the “RM-1” Multifamily 1 District. The property is located at 1645 Clare Drive and described as Woodlawn Estates, Block 5, Lot 1, located on the north side of Williams Drive, east of Airline Road, and west of Rodd Field Road.
Planning Commission and Staff Recommendation (January 10, 2018):
Approval of the change of zoning from the “RS-6” Single-Family 6 District to the “RM-1” Multifamily 1 District.
Case No. 1217-01: Ordinance rezoning property at 1645 Clare Drive from "RS-6" to "RM-1" and amending the Comprehensive Plan.