File #: 24-1844    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/5/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: Resolution authorizing a one-year supply agreement, with two one-year options, with Neptune Technology Group, Inc., of Tallassee, Alabama, in an amount up to $750,000.00, with a potential up to $2,387,700.00 if options are exercised, to purchase water meters and parts for Corpus Christi Water (CCW), with FY 2025 funding of $750,000.00 from the Water Fund.
Sponsors: Corpus Christi Water, Finance & Procurement
Attachments: 1. 24-1844 Agenda Memo - Neptune Water Meters, 2. 24-1844 Resolution - Neptune Water Meters, 3. 24-1844 Price Sheet -Neptune Water Meters, 4. SA 6286 CCW Neptune Meters vFinal


Resolution authorizing a one-year supply agreement, with two one-year options, with Neptune Technology Group, Inc., of Tallassee, Alabama, in an amount up to $750,000.00, with a potential up to $2,387,700.00 if options are exercised, to purchase water meters and parts for Corpus Christi Water (CCW), with FY 2025 funding of $750,000.00 from the Water Fund.