File #: 25-0129    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing / First Reading Status: Future Agenda
File created: 1/24/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Annexation and Zoning Case ZN8474 Braselton Development Company, Ltd. (District 3). Ordinance annexing a 63.239-acre tract of land located along the east side of CR 33 (London Pirate Road), north of FM 43 (Weber Rd) and abutting the southside of the Oso Creek per owner petition; approving the related service plan; adding the annexed area to City Council District 3; and rezoning from the “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RS-4.5” Single-Family 4.5 District; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of Zoning Case ZN8474)
Sponsors: Planning and Community Development Department
Attachments: 1. Agenda Memo - Annexation Braselton Dev, 2. Ordinance - Annexation Braselton Dev, 3. ZN8474 Rezoning Report - Braselton Dev, 4. Presentation - Annexation Braselton Dev


Annexation and Zoning Case ZN8474 Braselton Development Company, Ltd. (District 3). Ordinance annexing a 63.239-acre tract of land located along the east side of CR 33 (London Pirate Road), north of FM 43 (Weber Rd) and abutting the southside of the Oso Creek per owner petition; approving the related service plan; adding the annexed area to City Council District 3; and rezoning from the “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RS-4.5” Single-Family 4.5 District; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of Zoning Case ZN8474)