Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 8/27/2024 11:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Addendums may be added on Friday.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-1447 11. PresentationUpdate on FY 2025 Budget Process   Not available Video Video
24-1413 12. PresentationLabor Day Holiday Preparations (September 2, 2024)   Not available Video Video
24-1442 13. MinutesApproval of the August 20, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes   Not available Not available
24-1103 14. ResolutionResolution authorizing two one-year supply agreements, with two one-year options, for the purchase of hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement material, with Anderson Colombia Co., Inc., of Corpus Christi for up to $4,500,000.00 and with Berry Contracting, LP, dba Bay LTD., of Corpus Christi for up to $4,500,000.00, for a combined total amount not to exceed $9,000,000.00 and a potential amount up to $27,000,000.00 if options are exercised, with FY 2025 funding of $5,000,000.00 from the Street Fund, subject to budget approval.   Not available Not available
24-0980 15. MotionMotion authorizing execution of a new five-year software and support agreement, with renewable one-year terms with Infor LLC, of New York, in an amount not to exceed $1,226,457.00, for the purchase and dedicated support of the Infor CareFor managed services software, providing the City of Corpus Christi with a dedicated support team, business application support, custom development and configuration, and release impact support for Infor’s Financial, Human Resources, Permitting and Utility Billing modules currently used by the City, with FY 2024 funding of $245,291.40 from the IT Enterprise Applications Fund.   Not available Not available
24-1336 16. MotionMotion authorizing a professional services contract with LJA Engineering, Inc., Corpus Christi, Texas, to provide a Preliminary Engineering Report for the Blucher Park Wastewater Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $240,020.00, located in Council District 1, with FY 2024 funding available from Wastewater Capital Fund.   Not available Not available
24-1408 17. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of new 15 year Industrial District Agreements (IDAs); and reestablishing the land areas located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas as Industrial Districts Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.   Not available Video Video
24-0992 18. ResolutionResolution amending and reaffirming the City of Corpus Christi's Investment Policy and Investment Strategies for fiscal year 2024-2025.   Not available Video Video
24-1380 19. MotionMotion authorizing execution of all documents necessary to acquire property interests necessary for the City to accept legal responsibility, improve and maintain the Michael J. Ellis Seawall on North Padre Island, which will be dedicated to the City at no cost.   Not available Video Video
24-1421 110. ResolutionResolution to authorize the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee to review solutions to the viability of extending the Trust Funds for the purpose of future development versus Impact Fees, as requested by Council Members Mike Pusley, Michael Hunter, and Gil Hernandez.   Not available Video Video
24-1401 111. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Gov’t Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to personnel matters and the City Auditor and Texas Gov’t Code § 551.074 (personnel matters) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee (including, but not limited to, the City Auditor).   Not available Video Video
24-1414 112. E-Session ItemExecutive session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to industries, infrastructure, utilities, and property in the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, services thereto, annexation, Texas Local Gov’t Code service plans, industrial district agreements (IDA’s), and Chapters 42, 43 and 212 of the Texas Local Government Code § 43.0116, et. seq., rates for utilities, actions for limitation of rates, Texas Water Code §13.043 and associated statutes and regulations, and Texas Government Code § 551.087 to discuss and deliberate regarding potential financial or other incentive(s) to business prospects(s) that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City and with which the City will be conducting economic development negotiations, authorizing preparation of service plans for areas to be considered for annexation, and authorizing professional services agreements and amendments thereto with attorneys, engineers, and   Not available Not available