Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 6/14/2022 11:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Addendums may be added on Friday.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-1021 11. AppointmentAnimal Care Advisory Committee (1 vacancy) Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (3 vacancies) Civil Service Board (1 vacancy) Civil Service Commission (1 vacancy) Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (5 vacancies) Sister City Committee (1 vacancy)held  Action details Not available
22-1038 12. MinutesApproval of the May 24, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes.passedPass Action details Not available
21-1078 13. Public Hearing / First ReadingOrdinance adopting an updated City of Corpus Christi Historic Preservation Plan, an element of the Plan CC Comprehensive Plan; and rescinding the former Corpus Christi Preservation Plan, adopted September 8, 1976.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
22-0467 14. OrdinanceOrdinance amending the FY 2022-2026 Infrastructure Management Plan to account for the repurposing of unused bond funds from Bond 2008, Bond 2012 and Bond 2016 and identifying new and revised street projects as shown in the amended Infrastructure Management Plan.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
22-0860 15. OrdinanceOrdinance amending Corpus Christi Code to adopt Outside City Limits Fire Protection Service fees and rate schedule for persons outside of the Corpus Christi city limits who receive fire service and to set forth collection mechanisms to recover such fees if not paid.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
22-0946 16. MotionMotion authorizing the purchase of 280 body-worn cameras from Turn-Key Mobile, Inc., of Jefferson City, Missouri, through the Texas Department of Information Resources cooperative, for $120,300.00 to be used by the Police Department, with FY 2022 funding of $75,000.00 from the Police Grants Fund and $45,300.00 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0755 17. MotionMotion authorizing a six-month service agreement with Cubit Contracting, LLC, of Corpus Christi, in the amount of $144,100.00 for the purchase and installation of gear lockers in six fire stations, with FY 2022 funding from the Bond 2018 Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0882 18. ResolutionResolution authorizing the purchase of a three-year software license renewal with Luminare, Inc., of Houston, for $786,000.00 for COVID-19 testing and vaccine software for the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District (“District”), with FY 2022 funding of $262,000.00 for the first year available from the District’s COVID-19 grant fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0672 19. MotionMotion authorizing a one-year extension with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas to provide third party administration of the City’s self-funded employee health insurance plans with an estimated cost of $1,719,000, effective October 1, 2022, with funding in the FY 2023 Proposed Budget from the Health Benefits Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0868 110. MotionMotion authorizing a one-year extension with Madison National Life Insurance Company, Inc. for fully insured long-term disability insurance with an estimated cost of $290,000, effective October 1, 2022, with funding requested in the FY 2023 Proposed Budget from the Health Benefits Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0869 111. MotionMotion authorizing a one-year extension with Dearborn National Life Insurance for fully insured life and accidental, death, and dismemberment insurance with an estimated City cost of $90,500 and employee cost of $750,000, effective October 1, 2022, with funding requested in the FY 2023 Proposed Budget from the Health Benefits Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0870 112. MotionMotion authorizing a one-year extension with Caremark PCS Health, LLC. ("CVS/Caremark") to provide third-party administration of the City’s self-funded employee pharmacy benefits plan for an estimated cost of $50,000, effective October 1, 2022, with funding requested in the FY 2023 Proposed Budget from the Health Benefits Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0756 113. MotionMotion authorizing a one-year supply agreement, with a one-year option period, with Polydyne Inc. of Riceboro, Georgia, for the purchase of Sludge Dewatering Polymer for the Utilities Department, in an amount not to exceed $977,670.00, with an estimated potential amount not to exceed $1,955,340.00 if the option period is exercised, with FY 2022 funding of $325,890.00 from the Wastewater Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0760 114. MotionMotion authorizing a one-year supply agreement with Texas Enterprises, Inc., of Austin in an amount not to exceed $282,931.00 for bulk oil and lubricants used by the Fleet Maintenance Division of Asset Management, with FY 2022 funding of $95,000.00 from the Fleet Maintenance Service Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0886 115. MotionMotion authorizing a three-year service agreement, with Leslie J. Morris dba The Lock Man, of Corpus Christi, for an amount not to exceed $117,000.00, for locksmith services for Asset Management, with FY2022 funding of $9,750.00 from the Facility Maintenance Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0956 116. MotionMotion authorizing the approval of change orders with CPC Interests, LLC dba Clark Pipeline Services, LLP, Corpus Christi, Texas, for the Citywide Water Distribution System Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Program, in an amount of $1,250,000 for a total amount not to exceed $6,250,000.00, and the Water Line Replacement Program, in an amount of $450,000 for a total amount not to exceed $2,250,000 with FY 2022 funding available from the Water Capital Fund.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0680 117. MotionMotion awarding a construction contract to Hamman Excavating Inc., Corpus Christi, TX, for the construction of South Oso Parkway from South Staples Street to South Oso Parkway, with new asphalt pavement, utility improvements and Botanical Gardens parking lot improvements, in the amount of $1,295,484.83, located in Council District 5, with FY 2022 funding available from the Street Bond 2018, Storm Water, Water and Gas Funds.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0932 118. ResolutionResolution amending a resolution that was passed and approved by City Council on March 22, 2022 in order to include language required by the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office to fulfill the State’s requirement for the City of Corpus Christi to be awarded eight grants under the State Homeland Security Program in the amount of $481,580.42.passedPass Action details Not available
22-0916 119. ResolutionResolution authorizing a 12-month extension of a Participation Agreement with MPM Development, LP to reimburse developer up to $1,570,206.65 toward construction of Iron Throne Drive and Drogon Street with reinforced concrete for Kings Landing Subdivision. (District 3)passedPass Action details Not available
22-1035 120. MotionMotion authorizing execution of an amendment to the professional services agreement with Hunden Strategic Partners, Inc., for Convention Center renovation, expansion, and hotel study in the amount of $85,000.00 for an amended total of $176,000.00.passedPass Action details Not available
22-1084 121. ResolutionResolution appointing an Ad Hoc Nominating Committee to review and recommend candidates for the position of City Auditor.passedPass Action details Video Video
22-1078 122. BriefingStatement from City Manager on initiating Stage 1 drought restrictions and a staff update on water & weather forecastheld  Action details Video Video
22-1047 123. ResolutionResolution accepting a petition to create the Corpus Christi Tourism Public Improvement District; calling for a public hearing under Section 372.009 of the Texas Local Government Code for the creation of the Corpus Christi Tourism Public Improvement District within the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi to consider the feasibility and advisability of establishing the District; and authorizing and directing the publication and mailing of notices of the public hearing.passedPass Action details Video Video
21-0491 124. MotionMotion awarding a Design/Build Contract to Fulton Construction Inc., Corpus Christi Texas, and authorizing the design phase services for the design Restoration of the SEA District Water Features in an amount of $375,000.00, located in Council District 1, with FY 2022 funding available from the Seawall Fund.passedPass Action details Video Video
22-0987 125. MotionMotion related to the performance and/or service of one or more of the City's appointees to the Port action taken  Action details Not available
22-0980 126. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of all documents necessary to accept and amend a grant contract for the STD/HIV Prevention Services Grant from the Texas Department of State Health Services appropriating $269,815.00 into the Health Grants Fund to provide STD/HIV prevention and control services; and amending the operating budget.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
22-1014 127. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of all documents necessary to accept, amend, and appropriate a grant contract for the HIV Surveillance Grant from the Texas Department of State Health Services appropriating $41,865.00 into the Health Grants Fund to provide HIV surveillance and control services; and amending the operating budget.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
22-1050 128. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of all documents necessary to accept, amend, and appropriate a grant contract for the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (“PHEP”) Grant from the Texas Department of State Health Services appropriating $240,003.00 into the Health Grants Fund to provide funding activities in support of the PHEP Cooperative Agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and amending the operating budget.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
22-1026 129. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of Amendment No. 4 of grant contract with Texas Department of State Health to implement and operate an immunization program for children, adolescents, and adults, with special emphasis on accelerating interventions to improve the immunization coverage of children three (3) years of age or younger (birth to 35 months of age) for the contract period September 1, 2022, through August 31, 2023; appropriating $241,637.00 into the Health Grants Fund.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
22-1027 130. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing execution of Amendment No. 6 of grant contract with Texas Department of State Health to provide continued emergency preparedness laboratory services for the contract period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023; appropriating $205,548.00 into the Health Grants Fund; and amending the operating budget.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
22-0493 131. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the execution of a 30 year commercial land lease agreement with Blue Marlin Holdings, LLC in lieu of a current five year lease for two tracts of City owned land totaling 1.268 acres for use as a recreational vehicle park called Puerto del Sol Recreational Vehicle Park, located at the northern end of North Beach in Council District 1, for a 30-year term from October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2052 for a monthly fee of $1,225 with a fee escalation rate calculated based on the Consumer Price Index beginning on October 1, 2026.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
22-0660 132. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing two amendments to the service agreement with Sec-Ops, Inc. for citywide security guard services for an amount not to exceed $230,114.40, Amendment No. 3 for additional services in an amount not to exceed $91,980.00 for Solid Waste’s J.C. Elliott Transfer Station and Amendment No. 4 for additional services in an amount not to exceed $138,134.40 for security at Cole Park; ratifying the effective date of Amendment No. 3 to October 25, 2021, with FY 2022 funding from the General Fund, and the effective date of Amendment No. 4 to March 1, 2022; and appropriating $138,134.40 from the State Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund balance for 24-hour security guard services at Cole Park, including the Cole Park Pier.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
22-1033 133. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the issuance of City of Corpus Christi, Texas Utility System Junior Lien Revenue Improvement, Series 2022B for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Utility improvements in an amount not to exceed $102,000,000, within set parameters and according to the plan of finance set by the City’s financial advisors; making provisions for the payment and security thereof by a junior and inferior lien on and pledge of the net revenues of the city’s utility system on a parity with certain currently outstanding utility system revenue obligations; delegating authority to the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Finance Director and certain other authorized officials to approve and execute documents relating to the issuance, sale and delivery of the bonds; enacting other provisions incident and related thereto; and providing an effective date.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
22-1034 134. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the issuance of City of Corpus Christi, Texas, General Improvement Bonds, Series 2022C for improvements to streets, Parks and Recreation facilities, and Public Safety facilities in an amount not to exceed $41,000,000 within set parameters and according to the plan of finance set by the City’s financial advisors; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax for the payment of the bonds; delegating authority to the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Finance Director, and certain other authorized officials to approve and execute documents relating to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds; enacting other provisions incident and related thereto; and providing for an effective date.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
22-1049 135. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the issuance of City of Corpus Christi, Combination Tax and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Taxable Series 2022B for Solid Waste improvements in an amount not to exceed $9,500,000, within set parameters and according to the plan of finance set by the City’s financial advisors; providing for the payment of said certificates by the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within the city and further securing said certificates by a lien on and pledge of the pledged revenues of the solid waste system; delegating authority to the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Finance Director and certain other authorized officials to approve and execute documents relating to the issuance, sale and delivery of the bonds: enacting other provisions incident and related thereto; and providing an effective date.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
22-1051 136. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the issuance of City of Corpus Christi, Combination Tax and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022A for improvements to Public Safety, Parks and Recreation, and City facilities in an amount not to exceed $11,500,000, within set parameters and according to the plan of finance set by the City’s financial advisors; providing for the payment of said certificates by the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within the city and further securing said certificates by a lien on and pledge of the pledged revenues of the solid waste system; delegating authority to the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Finance Director and certain other authorized officials to approve and execute documents relating to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds; enacting other provisions incident and related thereto; and providing an effective date.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
21-1432 137. OrdinanceOrdinance to authorize the execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Service Agreement for the Management of the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History with Friends of the Museum of Science and History to increase City’s payment from $150,000 annually to $500,000 annually for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023 and providing for funds to be paid from Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
22-0836 138. BriefingCity Appointed Port Commissioner's Briefing to be given at approximately 1:00 p.m.held  Action details Video Video
22-1036 139. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning construction claims and litigation including, but not limited to, the case of City of Corpus Christi v. JS Haren Company and Merchants Bonding Company and legal issues related to the McBride Lift Station and Force Main Improvements Project, including potential consideration of settlement offers and/or fees for attorneys, engineers, other expert witnesses assisting in this case, deposition fees, and court costs, and updates on litigation in other cases.passed after executive sessionPass Action details Video Video
22-1046 140. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to parts of Emergency Services Districts, specifically Emergency Services District No. 2, in the territorial limits of Corpus Christi and Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 775.discussed in executive session  Action details Video Video
22-1061 141. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to related to the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit process, Texas laws and rules of the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, Texas Water Development Board, State Water Implementation Fund for Texas, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency related to funding for water treatment plants, desalination plants, discharge permits, intake permits, desalination, and other permits related to water treatment, and administrative procedures related thereto, applications for permits and TWDB funding of water treatment facilities by the City and by the Port, the Port of Corpus Christi Authority, and appointment of the Port Commissioners and Texas Government Code § 551.074 (personnel matters) to deliberate the appointment, evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee (City of Corpus Christi Appointee #1, Appointee #2, and Appointee #3 to Port Commission of Port of Corpus Christi Audiscussed in executive session  Action details Video Video
22-1086 142. ResolutionExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to the City Auditor and Audit Committee and Texas Government Code § 551.074 (personnel matters) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, or duties of a public officer or employee (City Auditor).withdrawn  Action details Not available