Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/28/2025 11:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Addendums may be added on Friday.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0088 11. PresentationRetirement of David Lehfeldt, Director of Solid Waste Services   Not available Not available
25-0058 12. Presentation$25,000 donation from OxyChem   Not available Not available
25-0012 13. Presentation2024 United Way Campaign Recap   Not available Not available
25-0061 14. AppointmentCorpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation Landmark Commission Library Board Port of Corpus Christi Reinvestment Zone No. 3 (Downtown) Board Reinvestment Zone No. 6 (Barisi Villiage) Board   Not available Not available
25-0090 15. Presentation89th Legislative Session Update   Not available Not available
24-2067 17. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a grant totaling $32,016.60 from Gulf of Mexico Alliance for the 2024 Gulf Star Program Grant for the purchase of 13 new L3Harris inter-operational radios and related accessories for the Corpus Christi Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Management; and appropriating $32,016.60 in the FY 2025 Fire Grants Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2085 18. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the State of Texas, Criminal Justice Division, under the FY 2025 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program in the amount of $39,993.25 for the purchase of 10 additional Panasonic in-car video systems for the Corpus Christi Police Department; and appropriating $39,993.25 into the Police Grants Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2068 19. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the U. S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, in the amount of $186,309.00 for FY 2024 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program for the Corpus Christi Police Department; and appropriating $186,309.00 in the Police Grants Fund with $93,154.00 to be distributed to Nueces County based on an interlocal agreement, and the remaining $93,155.00 to be used by the City.   Not available Not available
24-2075 110. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing acceptance of grant funds from the State of Texas, Criminal Justice Division, under the FY 2025 Body-Worn Camera Grant Program in the amount of $106,017.00 for the purchase of 70 body-worn cameras and related equipment for the Corpus Christi Police Department; and appropriating $106,017.00 in the Police Grants Fund with a cash match of $35,339.00 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2092 111. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of grant from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) under the 2024 National Shelter Initiative Grants - Animal Outcomes for $94,634.00 with a City cash match of $14,192.00 to replace a split-system air conditioning unit for the cattery building and to repair all damaged kennel partitions in two of the five kennel buildings; and amending the Animal Care Services Grant Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2090 112. Public Hearing / First ReadingOrdinance authorizing a Wastewater Trunk Line Construction and Reimbursement Agreement up to $77,285.28 with MPM Development, LP to construct a wastewater trunk line related to King’s Landing Unit 9 subdivision located north of the Lady Alexa Dr. and Lady Claudia St. intersection; and authorizing future transfer and appropriation of Water and Wastewater Trust Fund revenue up to $77,285.28 to reimburse the developer in accordance with the agreement. (District 3).   Not available Not available
24-2089 113. Public Hearing / First ReadingZoning Case No. ZN8425, Judy Lynn Reuthinger (District 2). Ordinance rezoning a property at or near 4222 Avalon Street from the “CN-1” Neighborhood Commercial District to the “CN-1/SP” Neighborhood Commercial District with a Special Permit; providing for a penalty not to exceed $2,000 and publication. (Planning Commission and Staff recommend approval)   Not available Not available
24-1944 114. MotionMotion authorizing execution of a cooperative agreement for a five-year renewal with Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc., located in Arlington, Texas, for communication services sent from modems to the City’s Traffic Management Center, through the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative, for continued connectivity and communication with 175 flashing beacons managed by the Public Works Department five-years of payments totaling $203,000.00, with FY 2025 funding of $40,600.00 from the Street Fund for the first-year payment.   Not available Not available
24-2049 115. MotionMotion authorizing execution of a three-year service agreement with Russell James, dba R & R of Corpus Christi for Delivery Service, for the Elderly Nutrition Program - Home Delivered Meals in an amount up to $738,000.00, with FY 2025 funding available through the Elderly Nutrition Program Grant Fund.   Not available Not available
24-1910 116. ResolutionResolution authorizing the purchase of a mainline control system from Groebner & Associates, Inc., of Rogers, Minnesota, for use by the Gas Department to repair pipelines and isolate sections of gas mains in the absence of pressure control fittings in cases of emergency, for $169,037.77, with FY 2025 funding from the Gas Operations Fund.   Not available Not available
25-0033 117. MotionMotion appointing Mayor & Council as the Board of Directors of the Corpus Christi Housing Finance Corporation and the Corpus Christi Industrial Development Corporation.   Not available Not available
24-1594 118. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to Plains All American Pipeline for the 2024 Plains First Responder Grant Program in the amount of $5,037.00 for hazardous materials equipment for the Corpus Christi Fire Department.   Not available Not available
24-1936 119. MotionMotion authorizing a Joint Funding Agreement with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), United States Department of the Interior to maintain automated river gauging stations that record stream flows and water quality parameters associated with the Frio and Nueces Rivers and associated tributaries and to provide the delivery of the Choke Canyon/Lake Corpus Christi Reservoir and Nueces Estuary Pass-Through (or Passthru) Status Report. The data is used by the City daily to manage releases from the City's reservoir system and for water treatment operations, whereby the USGS contributes $28,950.00 and the City contributes $265,450.00.   Not available Not available
24-2038 120. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, to the FY 2025 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Program in the amount of $12,223,173.00, with a cash match of $3,055,793.25, to complete rehabilitation to International Drive and construction of mixed-use paths for the Corpus Christi Aviation Department.   Not available Not available
25-0066 121. ResolutionResolution authorizing submission of a grant application for funding in the amount of $240,000.00 under a reimbursable grant to Texas Parks & Wildlife Department through the Recreational Trails Grant Program for improvements to the Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge, with a required cash match of $60,000.   Not available Not available
25-0064 122. OrdinanceOne-reading ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a donation from the OxyChem First Responder Donation Program in the amount of $25,000.00 for the refurbishment and repair of an Aerial Ladder Fire Truck for the Corpus Christi Fire Department; and appropriating $25,000.00 into the Fire Grants Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2095 123. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a $2,500.00 grant from the Banfield Foundation for the purchase of supplies and equipment for the Corpus Christi Animal Care Services Department; and appropriating $2,500.00 into the Animal Care Services Grant Fund.   Not available Not available
24-2073 124. OrdinanceOrdinance authorizing the acceptance of a $322,260.00 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s FY 2023-2024 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program to replace existing lighting with energy efficient lighting for the Aviation Department and the Parks & Recreation Department; and appropriating $322,260.00 into the Department of Energy Grant Fund.   Not available Not available
25-0032 125. OrdinanceOrdinance amending the Operating Budget and appropriating $50,000.00 from the Airport Unreserved Operating Fund Balance for the Capital Program Operational Risk Assessment Audit by Talson Solutions, LLC.   Not available Not available
25-0074 126. OrdinanceOrdinance amending the Capital Improvement Program to add the North Padre Island Force Main Bypass Project; appropriating $970,624.05 from the unreserved fund balance in the TIRZ #2 Fund; and amending the FY 2024-25 Operating and Capital Budgets.   Not available Not available
25-0080 127. Public Hearing / First ReadingOrdinance authorizing a Wastewater Trunk Line Construction and Reimbursement Agreement up to $524,660.00 with Horizon Land Properties, LLC to construct a wastewater trunk line related to Waldron Estates located south of Graham Rd & west of Waldron Rd intersection; and authorizing future transfer and appropriation of Water and Wastewater Trust Fund revenue up to $524,660.00 to reimburse the developer in accordance with the agreement. (District 4).   Not available Not available
24-1729 128. Corporation MeetingSpecial Board Meeting of the Corpus Christi Housing Finance Corporation (CCHFC) to elect officers and consider terms for future participation in Costa Tarragona I and II.   Not available Not available
24-1126 129. OrdinancePresentation on the City's Drought Contingency Plan and ordinance amending City Code of Ordinances Chapter 55, Article XII Water Resource Management sections 55-151,55-152,55-153,55-154; updating the City’s Drought Contingency Plan, providing an effective date of March 1, 2025.   Not available Not available
24-2083 131. E-Session ItemExecutive session briefing pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to SOAH Docket No. 473-24-19854, PUC Docket No. 56427, Petition by Outside City Ratepayers Appealing the Water Rates of the City of Corpus Christi, including potential consideration of settlement offer(s) and actions related thereto   Not available Not available
25-0089 132. E-Session ItemExecutive session briefing pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to Samantha Huerta v. City of Corpus Christi et al, including potential consideration of settlement offer(s) and actions related thereto   Not available Not available
25-0092 133. E-Session ItemExecutive session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to the potential purchase of desalinated water from CC Polymers, including, but not limited to, state and federal laws and EPA and TCEQ regulations related to the intake and transfer of water   Not available Not available
25-0093 134. E-Session ItemExecutive session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to personnel matters, the FMLA, federal & state antidiscrimination laws, and other laws and regulations   Not available Not available