Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/24/2018 11:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-0499 11. ProclamationsProclamation declaring May 2018, "Mental Health Awareness Month". Proclamation declaring May 3, 2018, "Las Doñas de la Corte Day". Proclamation declaring April 25, 2018, "Joseph Kilgore Day". Proclamation declaring April 29 - May 5, 2018, "National Small Business Week". Proclamation declaring May 2, 2018 as "Maternal Mental Health Awareness Day" and April 30 - May 6, 2018, "Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week". Proclamation declaring May 6 - 12, 2018, "National Children's Mental Health Awareness Week".presented  Action details Video Video
18-0512 1a. PresentationFISCAL 2017-2018 BUDGET UPDATEpresented  Action details Video Video
18-0510 1b. PresentationHEALTH BENEFITS UPDATEpresented  Action details Video Video
18-0516 12. MinutesRegular Meeting of April 17, 2018 and Workshop Session of April 19, 2018.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-0509 134. E-Session ItemExecutive session pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning potential participation in AEP Texas Central Company rate case regarding application for Distribution Cost Recovery Factor at Texas Public Utility Commission.discussed in executive session  Action details Video Video
18-0320 14. MotionSupply Agreement for two years for the purchase of liquid caustic soda solution for the O.N. Stevens Water Treatment Plant (Council Priority - Water) Motion authorizing a two year supply agreement with Univar USA, Inc., of Kent, Washington for the purchase of liquid caustic soda solution for a total amount not to exceed $7,513,545.00.passedPass Action details Not available
18-0482 15. ResolutionResolution granting petition requesting annexation by area landowners of approximately 13.72 acres of land into the territorial limits of the City of Corpus Christi.passedPass Action details Not available
18-0380 16. MotionConsulting Services for RESTORE Act Project Development and Grant Application Preparation and Submittal Motion authorizing contract with Sarosdy Consulting, Inc., of Austin, Texas, for one year for grant proposal development, submittal and advisor services associated with the RESTORE Act for $49,595 with options to extend for up to two additional one-year periods with a total potential multi-year amount not-to-exceed $148,785.passedPass Action details Not available
18-0419 17. ResolutionInterlocal Agreement for soil analysis Resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in an amount not to exceed $2,400 for the implementation of a soil testing program.passedPass Action details Not available
18-0455 28. Public Hearing / First ReadingSecond Reading - Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #3 Traffic and Planning Analysis (1st Reading 4/17/18) Ordinance adopting the “Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #3 Traffic and Planning Analysis” specific plan; and amending the Comprehensive Plan.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
18-0439 29. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Accepting and appropriating the Click It or Ticket Grant (1st Reading 4/17/18) Ordinance accepting $17,989.64 from State of Texas, Department of Transportation for FY2018 Click It or Ticket program grant; and appropriating $17,989.64 in Police Grants Fund.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
18-0447 210. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Accepting and appropriating State Grant funds for the 2017 Operation Stonegarden Grant Program (1st Reading 4/17/18) Ordinance accepting $336,443 from State of Texas Governor’s Homeland Security Grants Division for funding eligible under FY2017 Department of Homeland Security Grant Program - Operation Stonegarden; and appropriating $336,443 in Police Grants Fund.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
18-0403 211. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Type A Grant for Jimenez Engineering Solutions, LLC dba International Consulting Engineers (“ICE) (1st Reading 4/17/18) (Council Priority - Economic Development) Ordinance approving a Business Incentive Agreement between the Corpus Christi Business and Job Development Corporation and Jimenez Engineering Solutions, LLC, dba International Consulting Engineers, to provide a grant of up to $125,000, for the creation of jobs; appropriating said funds from the Business/Job Development Fund; and amending the budget.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
18-0435 13. ResolutionProfessional Service Management Agreement for the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History Resolution to execute a five-month agreement with CCMJV, LLC of Corpus Christi, Texas to operate and manage the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-0351 112. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Amendments to the London Area Wastewater Master Plan (1st Reading 4/24/18) Ordinance amending the London Area Wastewater Master Plan, an element of the Comprehensive Plan; amending related elements of the Comprehensive Plan; and providing for severance and publication.heard on public hearing and passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0446 113. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Appropriating and transferring trust funds for Trunk Main Line Extension Construction and Reimbursement Agreement (1st Reading 4/24/18) Ordinance appropriating and transferring $350,000.00 from Sanitary Sewer Collection Line Trust Fund, $750,000.00 from Water Distribution Main Trust Fund, and $1,166,283.53 from Water Arterial Transmission and Grid Main Trust Fund to the Wastewater Trunk System Trust Fund; executing a Wastewater Trunk Main Line Extension Construction and Reimbursement Agreement with Braselton Custom Homes Ltd, LP; and appropriating $4,266,283.53 to reimburse Developer in accordance with Agreement.heard on public hearing and passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0483 114. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Rezoning for a Property located at or near 6665 Lipes Boulevard. (3/4 Vote Required) (1st Reading 4/24/18) Case No. 0218-01 Dorsal Development, LLC.: Ordinance rezoning property at or near 6665 Lipes Boulevard from “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RM-1” Multifamily 1 District. Planning Commission and Staff Recommendation (March 21, 2018): Approval of the change of zoning from “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RM-1” Multifamily 1 District. Ordinance: Case No. 0218-01 Dorsal Development, LLC.: Ordinance rezoning property at or near 6665 Lipes Boulevard from “FR” Farm Rural District to the “RM-1” Multifamily 1 District.failedPass Action details Video Video
18-0501 116. MotionOne-Reading Action Item - Amendment to the Municipal Lease Line of Credit Agreement Motion approving an amendment to the municipal lease line of credit agreement with Frost Bank to extend the term of the agreement through September 30, 2018.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-0477 117. MotionRenewal of Property Insurance for City-Owned Property Motion authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents necessary to renew property insurance, including All Risk, Flood, Named Storm, Wind/Hail, Earthquake, and Equipment Breakdown insurance through Carlisle Insurance Agency, Broker of Record, for upcoming policy year (May 5th, 2018-May 5th 2019) in exchange $2,110,480.05, of which $861,538.43 is required for the remainder of FY 2017-2018.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-0433 115. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to appointment of City Council representative for District 1 and pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.074 (Personnel Matters) to deliberate the appointment, employment, and duties of the City Council representative for District 1.passed after executive sessionPass Action details Video Video
18-0297 118. ResolutionResolution for Service Agreement for Emergency Removal, Installation, and Repair of Equipment for Police Vehicles Resolution authorizing a 24-month service agreement with Auto Works Unlimited of Corpus Christi, Texas, for emergency removal, installation, and repair of equipment for police vehicles, for a total amount not to exceed $150,000.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0326 119. MotionTwo-Year Lease Agreement for 21 Unmarked Vehicles for Police Department Motion authorizing a two-year lease agreement for 21 unmarked vehicles with Acme Auto Leasing, LLC, North Haven, Connecticut, via Houston-Galveston Area Council, for the total amount not to exceed $272,880.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0345 120. ResolutionResolution for Maintenance Agreement and Purchase of Ambulance Stretchers and Power Loaders Resolution authorizing a seven-year service agreement with Stryker Medical of Chicago, Illinois and the purchase of two power stretchers, two manual stretchers, two power loaders for a total amount not to exceed $117,297.60.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0411 121. MotionTwo-Year Service Agreement for Generator Service and Repair for Fire Department Motion authorizing a two-year service agreement for generator service and repair with Loftin Equipment Company, Inc. of San Antonio, Texas for an amount not to exceed $38,700, with one one-year option for a total potential multi-year amount of $58,050.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0426 122. MotionConstruction Contract for Community Park Development and Improvements - West Guth Park Project (Bond 2012, Proposition 4) Motion authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute a construction contract with Mako Contracting, LLC of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $909,407.08 for the Community Park Development and Improvements - West Guth Park project for the base bid plus additive alternates 1 and 2. (Bond 2012, Proposition 4)recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0437 223. MotionAgreement for the Purchase of Playground Equipment and Installation for Phase 2 and 3 of the Play for All Playground at Manuel Q. Salinas Park Motion authorizing an eight-month service agreement for the purchase and installation of playground equipment for phase 2 and 3 for the play for all playground at Manuel Q. Salinas Park from ExerPlay Inc. of Cedar Crest, New Mexico, via BuyBoard, for a total amount not to exceed $202,129.15.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0401 124. MotionPurchase of Three John Deere Tractors Motion authorizing the purchase of three John Deere tractors from Ag-Pro of Taft, Texas via BuyBoard, for the total amount not to exceed $57,187.26.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0424 125. MotionAmendment to Professional Services Contract - Strategic Integration (Travel Demand Model) Feasibility Study Motion for authorization to execute Amendment No. 1 to a professional services contract with CDM Smith, of Austin, Texas in the amount of $410,045, for a total restated fee of $459,998, for Strategic Integration (Travel Demand Model) Feasibility Study.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0405 126. MotionPurchase of Ten Traffic Signal Control Cabinets for Street Operations Motion authorizing the purchase of ten traffic signal control cabinets from Mobotrex of Davenport, Iowa, via BuyBoard, for the total amount not to exceed $81,500.00.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0393 127. MotionPurchase of Five Wavetronix Radar Detection Systems for Street Operations Motion authorizing the purchase of five Wavetronix radar detection systems from Twincrest Technologies of Fort Worth, Texas via Houston-Galveston Area Council for a total amount not to exceed $91,850.00.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0404 128. MotionSupply Agreement for Crushed Concrete for Solid Waste Operations Motion authorizing a one-year supply agreement with Southern Crushed Concrete of The Woodlands, Texas for crushed concrete for a total amount not to exceed $61,500.00, with a one-year option for a total potential multi-year amount of $123,000.00.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0406 129. MotionSupply Agreement or Non-Shear Flexible Couplings for Utilities Department Motion authorizing a 36-month supply agreement with Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., of Corpus Christi, Texas, for non-shear flexible couplings for a total amount not to exceed $220,321.13.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0408 130. MotionSupply Agreement for Calcium Hypochlorite for Various City Departments Motion authorizing a three-year supply agreement with Chemrite, Inc. of Buford, Georgia for calcium hypochlorite for a total amount not to exceed $169,096.20.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0502 131. BriefingDiscussion with possible action to create a North Beach Infrastructure Task Force.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-0518 132. PresentationCommunity First Villagepresented  Action details Video Video
18-0428 133. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to potential exchange and value of real property at or near the intersection of Rodd Field Road and Yorktown Boulevard and pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.072 to deliberate the potential purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, including, but not limited to, property at or near the intersection of Rodd Field Road and Yorktown Boulevard.discussed in executive session  Action details Video Video