Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/31/2018 11:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-0903 11. ProclamationsProclamation declaring July 30 - August 3, 2018, "61st National Pan American Golf Association Convention and Tournament Week". Commendation for Corpus Christi Police Foundation. Commendations recognizing the Corpus Christi National Little League Baseball Team. Presentation of Honorary Citizen Certificates to 2018 Sister City Exchange Students. Swearing-In Ceremony for Newly Appointed Board, Commission, Committee and Corporation Members.presented  Action details Video Video
18-0904 12. MinutesRegular Meeting of July 24, 2018.passedPass Action details Video Video
18-0809 13. MotionProfessional Services Contract for Programmed Water Line Service Life Extension Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quanitity Program (Capital Improvement Program) Motion executing a professional services contract with Urban Engineering of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $350,510 for Programmed Water Line Service Life Extension Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Project. (Capital Improvement Program)passedPass Action details Not available
18-0806 14. ResolutionResolution approving submission of five traffic safety improvement projects for Highway Safety Improvement grants (Bond 2016, TxDOT Participation) Resolution supporting the submission of multiple project proposals for Texas Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program grants for traffic signals.passedPass Action details Not available
18-0726 15. MotionThree Supply Agreements for Purchase of Tires for Fleet Maintenance Motion authorizing three, one-year supply agreements for the purchase of Goodyear tires from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Corpus Christi, Texas; Pursuit tires from GCR Tire and Service of Corpus Christi, Texas; and, Dunlop tires from Southern Tire Mart of Corpus Christi, Texas via BuyBoard cooperative for a total amount not to exceed $272,376.85.passedPass Action details Not available
18-0625 28. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Lease Agreement for Tom Graham Park (1st Reading 7/24/18) Ordinance authorizing a five-year lease with an option to extend for an additional five year term with Grow Local South Texas, Inc. for use of Tom Graham Park at 3914 Up River Road for a public gardening program.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
18-0833 29. Public Hearing / First ReadingSecond Reading Ordinance - Exemption from the Wastewater Lot or Acreage Fees for Water's Edge at Kitty Hawk Unit 2 (1st Reading 7/24/18) Ordinance exempting Water’s Edge at Kitty Hawk Unit 2, located south of South Staples Street and west of Kitty Hawk Drive, from the payment of the wastewater lot or acreage fees under Section 8.5.2.G.1 of the Unified Development Code; requiring the owner/developer to comply with the specified conditions.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
18-0832 26. Public Hearing / First ReadingSecond Reading Ordinance - Special Permit Time Extension for a property at or near 7442 Wooldridge Road (1st Reading 7/24/18) Case No. 0618-01 Dorsal Development, LLC.: Ordinance granting a time extension of the “RM-1/SP” Multifamily 1 District with a Special Permit on a property at or near 7442 Wooldridge Road. Planning Commission and Staff Recommendation (June 13, 2018): Approval of the requested Special Permit time extension for a period of 6 months.passed on second readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0684 27. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Accepting and appropriating developer contributions, other donations and interest earnings for park improvements (1st Reading 7/24/18) Ordinance to accept and appropriate $846,228.34 in developer contributions, other donations and interest earnings in the Community Enrichment Fund for park improvements.passed on second readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0896 131. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to Harbor Bridge construction and the Agreement for the Adjustment of City of Corpus Christi Municipal Utilities in Connection with the U.S. 181 Harbor Bridge Replacement Project.passed after executive sessionPass Action details Video Video
18-0805 110. Public Hearing / First ReadingSecond Reading Ordinance - Rezoning property at or near 6000 Yorktown Boulevard (1st Reading 7/31/18) Case No. 0218-03 William B. Miller, Jr.: Planning Commission and Staff Recommendation (June 27, 2018): Approval of the change of zoning from the “RS-6” Single-Family 6 District to the “IL” Light Industrial District (Tract 1). Denial of the change of zoning from the “RS-6” Single-Family 6 District to the “IL” Light Industrial District (Tract 2), in lieu thereof approval of “CN-1/SP” Neighborhood Commercial District with a Special Permit (Tract 2). Ordinance rezoning property at or near 6000 Yorktown Boulevard from “RS-6” Single-Family 6 District to the “IL” Light Industrial District (Tract 1) and “CN-1/SP” Neighborhood Commercial District with a Special Permit (Tract 2).heard on public hearing and passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0897 111. Public Hearing / First ReadingSecond Reading Ordinance - Urban Transportation Plan Amendment (1st Reading 7/31/18) Ordinance amending the Urban Transportation Plan map by Realigning proposed Yellow Oak Avenue and at the intersection with CR 48, extend southward as an RA1 Minor Rural Arterial to intersect with proposed east/west RA1 Minor Rural Arterial; realigning proposed arterial CR 48 between FM 1694 (Callicoate Rd) and FM 24 (Violet Rd) to the northeast and redesignate as a Local Rural Street; deleting a segment of proposed C1 Collector Oregon Trail; designating a segment of Haven Road from FM 24 to proposed point near north/south Collector west of Warrior Drive as a C1 Collector; deleting a proposed C1 Collector segment from Oregon trail to the intersection near FM 1694; adding an RA1 Minor Rural Arterial between IH 69 and FM 24, redesignating proposed C1 Collector to an RA1 Minor Rural Arterial between IH 69 and FM 24; and, adding a proposed rural street designation of (RA1) Local Rural Street to the UTP.heard on public hearing and passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0905 112. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Ordering a General Election to elect Mayor and Eight Council Members - November 6, 2018 (1st Reading 7/31/18) Ordinance ordering a general election to be held on November 6, 2018, in the City of Corpus Christi for the election of Mayor and Eight Council Members; providing for procedures for holding such election; providing for notice of election and publication thereof; providing for establishment of branch early polling places; designating polling place locations; authorizing a joint election with Nueces County, and a runoff election, if one is necessary; and enacting provisions incident and relating to the subject and purpose of this ordinance.passed on first reading as amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-0881 113. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Professional Services Contract for Residential Reconstruction Project - $3.4M (1st Reading 7/31/18) Ordinance appropriating $680,000 from Fund balance in Residential Street Reconstruction Fund No. 1042, amend the Operating Budget, and execute a professional services contract with Hanson Professional Services, Inc. of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $463,656.50 for the Residential Street Reconstruction Project - $3.4M project.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0844 114. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Construction Contract for Schanen Ditch Hike and Bike Trail - Saratoga to Kilarmet Project (Bond 2012, Proposition 4) (1st Reading 7/31/18) Ordinance appropriating into Park CIP Fund and changing the Capital Improvement Program Budget by $355,643.32 and authorizing a construction contract with Mo-Con Services, Inc. of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $444,554.15 for Schanen Ditch Hike and Bike Trail - Saratoga to Killarmet project for the base bid.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0595 115. OrdinanceSecond Reading Ordinance - Adopting Downtown Vacant Building Regulations (1st Reading 7/31/18) Ordinance amending Corpus Christi Code to adopt Downtown Vacant Building Regulations; and Providing for penalties.passed on first reading as amendedPass Action details Video Video
18-0889 116. Public Hearing / First ReadingSecond Reading Ordinance - Authorizing a Use Privilege Agreement for installation of a private wastewater collection system and conveyance system force main (1st Reading 7/31/18) Ordinance authorizing a Use Privilege Agreement with Valls Wildcat II, LLC, (“Permittee”) to install a private wastewater collection system and conveyance system force main.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
18-0804 117. ResolutionResolution authorizing outside city limits water contract with property owners in Mokry Estates.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0843 118. MotionPurchase and Installation of Upfitting Equipment for Police Vehicles Motion authorizing the purchase and installation of upfitting equipment on police vehicles, with a two-year service agreement for $365,362.75 from Cap Fleet Upfitters of Temple, Texas, via the BuyBoard Cooperative.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0801 119. MotionAmendment No. 1 to Master Services Agreement for engineering and technical support for project development in Solid Waste Operations Motion authorizing Amendment No. 1 to a 3-year Master Services Agreement with Hanson Professional Services of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $712,501 for a total restated fee of $750,000.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0794 120. MotionSupply Agreement for Crushed Limestone for Street Operations Motion authorizing a three-year supply agreement with Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC of San Antonio, Texas, for the purchase of crushed limestone, for the total amount not to exceed $423,000.00.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0795 121. MotionSupply Agreement for Cold Mix-cold Laid asphalt and Pre-Coated Aggregate for Street Operations Motion authorizing a three-year supply agreement with Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC of San Antonio, Texas, for the purchase of cold mix- cold laid asphalt and pre-coated aggregate, for the total amount not to exceed $2,087,700.00.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0846 122. MotionSupply Agreement for Purchase of Hot Tap Fittings Motion authorizing a three-year supply agreement with M.T. Deason Company Inc, of Birmingham, Alabama, for the purchase of hot tap fittings for a total amount not to exceed $249,721.80.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0868 123. MotionService Agreement for Brush Grinding Services for Solid Waste Operations Motion authorizing a four-year service agreement with Austin Wood Recycling, of Cedar Park, Texas for brush grinding services for a total amount not to exceed $345,000.00.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0851 124. ResolutionResolution requesting the Texas General Land Office (GLO) to allocate a portion of federal GOMESA funds to coastal cities Resolution of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas requesting that the State of Texas and the Texas General Land Office annually set aside a portion of the State Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) funds for Texas coastal cities and continue to fully fund the Coastal Erosion Protection Response Act (CEPRA) program with state revenues.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0864 125. MotionUtility Bill Printing and Mailing Services Motion approving a one-year service agreement for utility bill printing, mailing, and insert printing services with Information Management Solutions, L.L.C. of San Antonio, Texas for an estimated expenditure of $886,886.48, with four one-year options for a total potential multi-year amount of $4,434,432.40.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0907 126. MotionSetting the City Council Meeting Date to Adopt the Property Tax Rate Motion setting September 18, 2018 as the date of the adoption of the ad valorem tax rate of $0.626264 per $100 valuation.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0908 127. MotionScheduling Two Public Hearings Related to Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Property Tax Motion setting a public hearing on the ad valorem tax rate for August 28, 2018 and a second public hearing for September 11, 2018 during the City Council meeting beginning at 11:30 a.m. at City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Not available
18-0916 128. MotionScheduling Public Hearing on Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Operating Budget Motion setting a public hearing for the City of Corpus Christi Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Operating Budget for August 28, 2018 during the regular City Council meeting beginning at 11:30 a.m. at City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas.recommended to the consent agenda  Action details Video Video
18-0912 129. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning claims, pending litigation, potential settlement, attorney’s fees, and/or other potential legal matters regarding lawsuits of Salinas Construction Technologies, Ltd. and Salinas and Sons, Inc. v. City of Corpus Christi, and other lawsuits against the City and the City’s officers and employees.passed after executive sessionPass Action details Not available
18-0895 130. E-Session ItemExecutive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 and Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.05 to consult with attorneys concerning legal issues related to potential violations of the City’s commercial and industrial waste disposal and pretreatment ordinance [Section 55-140, et. Seq., of the Corpus Christi Code of Ordinances] by wastewater customer(s), potential wastewater plant excursions, negotiations and potential litigation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Attorney General, and/or U.S. Department of Justice concerning the City's sanitary sewer system and/or water system, including consideration of fees for attorneys, engineers, and other expert witnesses assisting in defense of potential lawsuit(s) and other legal matters related to the provision of water and wastewater services and the regulations related to said services.discussed in executive session  Action details Not available