File #: 20-0912    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing / First Reading Status: Passed
File created: 7/29/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/25/2020 Final action: 9/8/2020
Title: Zoning Case No. 0620-02, One Rail Group, LLC. (District 3). Ordinance rezoning property at or near 501 Heinsohn Road from the “FR” Farm Rural District and “IL” Light Industrial District to the “IL” Light Industrial District. Planning Commission and Staff recommend Approval.
Sponsors: Development Services
Attachments: 1. Agenda Memo - One Rail Group, LLC, 2. Ordinance - One Rail Group, LLC, 3. Report - One Rail Group, LLC, 4. Subject Property Map - One Rail Group, LLC, 5. Presentation - One Rail Group, LLC


Zoning Case No. 0620-02, One Rail Group, LLC. (District 3). Ordinance rezoning property at or near 501 Heinsohn Road from the “FR” Farm Rural District and “IL” Light Industrial District to the “IL” Light Industrial District. Planning Commission and Staff recommend Approval.